역시 수업 중에 노트한 것이다.
뜻이 좋고 말이 좋아서 옮겨 적는다.
원문은 Roger Landry, M.D. 가 쓴 것이다.

1. Use it or Lose it: We do not lose abilities because
we get old. Our physical, mental, and social skills
deteriorate if not challenged.

2. Keep Moning: Physical activity reduces risks of illness.

3. Challenge your Mind: Continue to learn anf grow brain connections.

4. Stay Connected: We need human interaction to thirve.

5. Never act you age: Follow your heart rather than
society's obsolete expectations.

6. Beware of the Threats: Most of us are at high risk for certain diseases. Regular screenings and physical exams help.

7. Eat for the Long haul: Our bodies need proper fuel to function. We can stay lean with physical activitiy and
balanced eating, rather than dieting.

8. Have Children in your life: They help us find meaning in
our lives and give back to our communities.

9. Be needed: We need to reach out. We need to nuture
the world around us.

10. Laugh: Humor is the mainstay of life.
It stimulates the immune system and makes
the journey more pleasant for us.

2006/08/05 08:21 2006/08/05 08:21
